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Artículo: Dead Sea Minerals Benefits

Dead Sea Minerals Benefits - Bloom Dead Sea

Dead Sea Minerals Benefits

Dead Sea Minerals Benefits

Bloom Dead Sea Life
( 1-2 Minute Read)

Mineral Composition of Dead Sea Salt the Main Ingredient in most Dead Sea Products.
A place of healing since antiquity, the Dead Sea is site to one of the world’s very first health resorts.
Practicing what is now known as thalassotherapy, ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman visitors
would bathe in the buoyant waters and rub marine mud all over their bodies to cleanse, soothe, and revitalize the skin.
The therapeutic effects of Dead Sea salt are derived from its supremely rich mineral composition.

Though it contains more than 25 elements.
Below listed are the most abundant with :
Involved in more than 300 essential reactions in your body including muscle movements, DNA repair, energy production, and cell signaling. magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory that also fights against depression, improves sleep, and strengthens bones.
An electrolyte with a positive charge that conducts electricity within the fluids in bodily cells.
potassium is vital to hydration, heart rhythm, muscle contractions, and pH balance.
Though often vilified because our diets tend to contain excessive amounts of salt.
sodium is an essential electrolyte needed for the absorption and transportation of nutrients, fluid balance, blood pressure and the transmission of nerve signals.
Playing a major role in healthy bones and teeth.
calcium is also necessary to circulate the blood, release hormones, regulate body weight and stabilize enzymes.
Found in mineral springs and volcanic ash.
sulfur helps synthesize proteins, supports cartilage and connective tissues, helps the body resist bacteria, and cleanses the body of toxins.
Dead Sea Minerals Benefits
Mineral elements form an essential part of the skin at a % of 4-5 in the ideal situation, as they maintain the building of cells and maintain the skin, body and joints in the best cases, and because we lose the ideal proportions of these mineral elements for many reasons, including but not limited to stress, aging, using certain medications or eating unhealthy food, also the weather conditions.
That’s the treatment essence of the Dead Sea, which pulses with life.
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