Our responsibility towards society “CSR Story/Social Contribution Responsibility”

In addition to our activities supporting social events through our contribution to various schools, universities, SOS, King Hussain center for children, etc., we are very proud to package our products in a way that helps people in our community, as well. Our packaging includes 100% hand-made bags, boxes and embroideries for all our kits, made by many families in Jordan at their homes. We are very happy that these employees can generate all of their income through working with us; most of whom are women that have special conditions and can’t leave home to work.

Success Story World Wide.

( For more success stories about us please search at yahoo using the key words either “Bloom Dead Sea Gift Enterprise” OR “Elham Zeadat” you will find more success stories world wide)

 Example of supporting social events through the full support of Pilot Yazan Aranki charity association