10 Incredible Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt
10 Incredible Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt
Bloom Dead Sea Life
( 5-6 Minute Read )
Nestled between Jordan, Israel, and Palestine, the Dead Sea is a salt lake more than 15 million years old.
Among the planet’s saltiest bodies of water, the Dead Sea has a salinity of 34.2%.
It is 10 times as salty as the ocean.
Its salinity creates a harsh environment for flora and fauna,
earning the name Dead Sea since precious few microorganisms can survive within it.
It is 10 times as salty as the ocean.
Its salinity creates a harsh environment for flora and fauna,
earning the name Dead Sea since precious few microorganisms can survive within it.
For centuries, people have flocked to the Dead Sea to treat a wide array of inflammatory diseases….
1. Hydration
First off, let’s talk about dry skin.
Dead Sea Salt is an amazing hydrator of dry skin.
It’s got a lot of magnesium, which hydrates your skin by directly strengthening the skin’s lipid barrier.
First off, let’s talk about dry skin.
Dead Sea Salt is an amazing hydrator of dry skin.
It’s got a lot of magnesium, which hydrates your skin by directly strengthening the skin’s lipid barrier.
For all-over hydrated skin, try taking a Dead Sea salt soak. Fill up your bath, add a good amount of Dead Sea Salt .
You’ll love what it does for your skin.
You’ll love what it does for your skin.
2. Remove Dead Skin
Dead skin is the worst. It can dull-out the look of your skin, and even clog up your pores!
Dead Sea Salt makes for a great exfoliator. Mix it onto your loofa and give your whole body a scrub in the shower or tub.
The Dead Sea salt will flake off all that dead skin, and help speed up your skin’s rejuvenation process, offering you much livelier skin overall.
Dead Sea Salt makes for a great exfoliator. Mix it onto your loofa and give your whole body a scrub in the shower or tub.
The Dead Sea salt will flake off all that dead skin, and help speed up your skin’s rejuvenation process, offering you much livelier skin overall.
3. Recover Your Muscles
One of the least expected, but most amazing benefits of Dead Sea salt is its pain relief qualities.
One of the least expected, but most amazing benefits of Dead Sea salt is its pain relief qualities.
Tons of people, from athletes to those in physically demanding jobs, use Dead Sea Salt to relax their muscles and relieve pain.
Dead Sea salt pulls this off by containing lots of sodium and bromide, known anti-inflammatories.
These minerals help put muscles at ease and loosen up the body, offering you relaxation even in pain.
Dead Sea salt pulls this off by containing lots of sodium and bromide, known anti-inflammatories.
These minerals help put muscles at ease and loosen up the body, offering you relaxation even in pain.
Dead Sea salt even offers relief for chronic rheumatic diseases.
These include rheumatoid arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis to name a few.
These include rheumatoid arthritis, knee osteoarthritis, and psoriatic arthritis to name a few.
Dead Sea salt is a great natural alternative to things like muscle relaxors and pain medication. Next time you feel burnt out and hurt, just take a Dead Sea salt soak.
4. Find Relief From Skin Conditions
Do you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or another chronic skin condition?
Do you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, or another chronic skin condition?
Try adding Dead Sea Salt into the care mix. All the minerals in Dead Sea salt — from bromide, to zinc, to magnesium — not only boost hydration but also reduce inflammation.
This doesn’t just help relax you, it also helps hydrate dry skin brought on by skin conditions.
This doesn’t just help relax you, it also helps hydrate dry skin brought on by skin conditions.
One of the worst effects of these conditions is itchy skin. Dead Sea salt will help you feel less itchy and give you hydrated skin that lasts a long time.
You can try Dead Sea Salt as an alternative to other skin condition remedies, or in conjunction with them.
You can try Dead Sea Salt as an alternative to other skin condition remedies, or in conjunction with them.
The Best Dead Sea Bath Salt
Benefits Of Dead Sea Salt
5. Treat Your Acne
Dead Sea Salt is a very competent skin cleaner, and it can help a lot in the fight against acne.
The secret to Dead Sea salt’s skin cleansing, acne-fighting strength lies in sulfur.
Dead Sea Salt is a very competent skin cleaner, and it can help a lot in the fight against acne.
The secret to Dead Sea salt’s skin cleansing, acne-fighting strength lies in sulfur.
Sulfur has antimicrobial properties, and works similarly so salicylic acid, a common anti-acne treatment. Sulfur, however, is gentler on the skin, and some even believe it’s more effective!
Dead Sea salt contains a generous amount of sulfur, making it great for acne and blemishes.
Dead Sea salt contains a generous amount of sulfur, making it great for acne and blemishes.
6. Say Goodbye to Dandruff
Dandruff can be a downright embarrassing condition at the worst of times.
Dandruff can be a downright embarrassing condition at the worst of times.
Thankfully, Dead Sea Salt can help you say goodbye to those little white flakes.
All you need to do is mix it in with your shampoo and work it into your scalp.
The sulfur and the sodium in the salt will help remove current dandruff, and work to reduce future dandruff.
All you need to do is mix it in with your shampoo and work it into your scalp.
The sulfur and the sodium in the salt will help remove current dandruff, and work to reduce future dandruff.
When you work Dead Sea Salt into your scalp, it absorbs the extra moisture.
This stops yeast from growing, thus halting dandruff in its tracks! If you’re struggling to find an effective dandruff shampoo, or just hate dandruff shampoo in general, try Dead Sea Salt!
This stops yeast from growing, thus halting dandruff in its tracks! If you’re struggling to find an effective dandruff shampoo, or just hate dandruff shampoo in general, try Dead Sea Salt!
7. Look Younger
One of the absolute best benefits of Dead Sea Salt is the anti-ageing effects.
One of the absolute best benefits of Dead Sea Salt is the anti-ageing effects.
We’ve already talked about how great Dead Sea salt is fo exfoliating, hydrating, and softening the skin.
It turns out, all of these benefits will help you look a lot younger with regular use!
It turns out, all of these benefits will help you look a lot younger with regular use!
Dead Sea Salt keeps moisture locked into your skin, and helps your skin hold water.
This keeps your skin looking fresh and moisturized all day long.
Using Dead Sea salt as part of your daily facial routine can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and stop new ones from popping up!
This keeps your skin looking fresh and moisturized all day long.
Using Dead Sea salt as part of your daily facial routine can even reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and stop new ones from popping up!
Everyone wants to look younger, and Dead Sea Salt is a natural and easy way to achieve this.
8. Kick Cellulite to the Curb
Do you have cellulite in areas where, well, you’d rather not?
Do you have cellulite in areas where, well, you’d rather not?
Cellulite happens to the best of us, and it can be hard to fight against. If you’re struggling to handle your cellulite, try a Dead Sea Salt Scrub.
The minerals in Dead Sea Salt enhance your skin cells’ metabolism and increase blood flow to the areas you apply it.
In this way, Dead Sea Salt not only makes you look younger and more hydrated but can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
In this way, Dead Sea Salt not only makes you look younger and more hydrated but can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
9. Detoxify
We all need a good detox from time-to-time, and Dead Sea salt offers a great way to detox.
The best way to do this is with a Dead Sea Salt Mud product or Face Mask.
When you put the product on, it will absorb all sorts of toxins from your skin as it sits.
These include dead skin cells, oils, and other dirt you may not have noticed.
We all need a good detox from time-to-time, and Dead Sea salt offers a great way to detox.
The best way to do this is with a Dead Sea Salt Mud product or Face Mask.
When you put the product on, it will absorb all sorts of toxins from your skin as it sits.
These include dead skin cells, oils, and other dirt you may not have noticed.
Detoxifying decreases your chances of acne, clogged pores, and blackheads.
It also gives you softer looking and feeling skin, and a general healthier glow. What’s best is that it’s all natural!
It also gives you softer looking and feeling skin, and a general healthier glow. What’s best is that it’s all natural!
10. Reduce Stress
Finally, a Dead Sea Salt soak is a great stress reducer any time of day.
Finally, a Dead Sea Salt soak is a great stress reducer any time of day.
Taking a bath in general is a great way to reduce stress. Adding Dead Sea salt to that bath, however, increases the de-stressing effects greatly.
As previously mentioned, Dead Sea salt relaxes the muscles and relieves the body of pain.
This puts your mind at ease, allowing you a stress-free experience after a long day of work.
You’ll forget all about your aches and pains and be able to focus on healing.
This puts your mind at ease, allowing you a stress-free experience after a long day of work.
You’ll forget all about your aches and pains and be able to focus on healing.
Where to Buy Dead Sea Salt
Harvested from the southern most point of the Dead Sea where the concentration of minerals are at their highest, seawater is diverted into shallow pools where sunlight and warmth naturally evaporate the water, allowing the brine to transform into dry salt crystals.
The whole process takes about 8 months.
Harvested from the southern most point of the Dead Sea where the concentration of minerals are at their highest, seawater is diverted into shallow pools where sunlight and warmth naturally evaporate the water, allowing the brine to transform into dry salt crystals.
The whole process takes about 8 months.
To obtain the full spectrum of benefits, Dead Sea salt should not be processed or refined in any way, which tends to destroy the mineral content of the salt.
For the purest product, we recommend Bloom Dead Sea Salt which can be purchased HERE.
For the purest product, we recommend Bloom Dead Sea Salt which can be purchased HERE.

To revitalize your skin, draw a warm bath and drop a handful of Dead Sea salt into the water to start.
Depending on how your skin reacts, use less or more salt the next time you bathe.
To treat psoriasis and eczema, pour 2 cups of Dead Sea salt into the bath and soak for at least 20 minutes.
Depending on how your skin reacts, use less or more salt the next time you bathe.
To treat psoriasis and eczema, pour 2 cups of Dead Sea salt into the bath and soak for at least 20 minutes.
Credits : www.thesaltbox.com.au